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Puerto Rico: les noves lleis posaran fi als slots il·legals a Puerto Rico

By - 4 de març de 2019

Puerto Rico Senate President, Thomas Rivera Schatz has said that new laws will ensure that the only slot machines in casinos and those that have been officially sanctioned by the government will be permitted going forward.

The senator said that new laws will mean that only 25,000 slot machines outside of casinos will be allowed as part of the country’s new tax reform laws. The draft defines slot machines as “adult entertainment machines” and differentiates them from illegal slots because illegal slots do not contain mechanisms or devices which allow them to connect online to the Department of the Treasury.

Similarly, the document describes machines that operate in casinos as “those that use an element of chance in the determination of prizes, contain some form of action to start the process of the bet and make use of a methodology suitable for the delivery of specific results.”

Sources close to the industry said that there is fear that once the new law goes into place and that the first 25,000 slots are officially sanctioned, a great number of other gambling machines will continue to operate illegally. They also say that there is no way of connecting these machines to the Department of the Treasury meaning that the government will continue to lose out on tax revenue.

However, Rivera Schatz defended the new law saying that it makes a clear distinction between the two. “In Puerto Rico there are people who like to live in confusion. The law is very very clear, there will be slot machines in casinos and those included in the tax reform. Other machines – machines that do not meet the requirements of that law are illegally operating.”

Les noves regles sobre les màquines escurabutxaques a l'illa formen part d'un esborrany molt més ampli de noves mesures fiscals dissenyades per oferir gairebé 2 milions de dòlars en desgravacions fiscals durant els propers cinc anys. A l'abril, el governador Rosselló va anunciar la presentació del seu projecte de llei per als canvis proposats al Codi d'Hisenda Interna de Puerto Rico. La reforma proposada, HB 1544, pretén simplificar l'estructura fiscal existent no només aplicant mesures fiscals que promoguin el creixement econòmic sinó també fomentant un entorn de compliment voluntari per part de tots els sectors.

The new law provides for the legalisation of 25,000 slots that have up until now operated illegally. Fifty per cent of revenue generated by legalisation will be used for a police retirement fund. Forty five per cent will be earmarked in order to help municipalities through the Health Insurance Administration (a body which implements and administers island-wide health insurance system) while the remaining five percent will be used for expenses related to regulating the now legal industry.

Caption: Legal slots at the Sheraton Puerto Rico

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