L'IBJR dóna suport a la decisió del Tribunal Suprem del Brasil
By James - 7 de gener de 2025
Institut Brasiler de Joc Responsable (IBJR) has come out in support of the Supreme Court’s injunction against Loterj for allowing bets outside of its state borders. The IBJR, whose associated companies represent about 75% of the national online sports betting market, said “the decision increases the legal security of the sector and aligns with the need for the application of strict and effective rules, focusing on integrity and the protection of bettors through responsible gaming.”
In a statement the IBJR argued that: “Differently from the lax conditions of Loterj, the requirements of federal legislation are more restrictive and reference international guidelines for the security and reliability of the betting market. Examples include the establishment of financial limits for bets, mandatory educational campaigns, and monitoring behaviours that indicate compulsivity, fraud, and illegalities. Additionally, there is a daily reporting obligation of operations to the Ministry of Finance, allowing for greater oversight and control by the regulatory body.
“The federal regulation outlined by the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting of the Ministry of Finance (SPA) represents a robust and responsible model aimed at protecting players, ensuring ethical practices, and fostering the social allocation of collected resources. In contrast, the state model, such as that of Loterj, lacks adequate mechanisms for oversight and compliance, creating regulatory challenges, unfair competition, and reputational risks for the entire sector,” it said.