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El cap de l'Agència Tributària dimiteix enmig de la fallida reforma fiscal dels jocs d'atzar a Colòmbia

By - 20 de gener de 2025

Jairo Villabona, the head of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN), announced he will be stepping down from his position on January 24, following a request for his resignation from President Gustavo Petro per El ministre d'Hisenda, Diego Guevara.

In an interview with the local media outlet La República, Villabona stated that his resignation is due to poor revenue collection and the failure to enact a resolution to tax online gambling, which was part of the unsuccessful tax reform proposal that did not advance in Congress.

Concerning the government’s intention to increase taxes on gambling, Villabona explained to the Colombian newspaper, “The president suggested that DIAN had the authority to issue a resolution directly, avoiding the need for Congressional debate. However, that is not accurate; it was simply not feasible.”

He further clarified that “taxation on goods or services must be legislated and therefore requires Congressional approval.”

Villabona also responded to the blame he has received regarding the low tax revenue and the unsuccessful tax reform, stating, “It’s crucial to realize that those revenue projections were never prepared. While blame has been directed at DIAN for the tax reform failure, as its director, I do not possess the authority to resolve those issues.”

A principis d'aquest mes the president stated that following the collapse of the financing law and the failure of certain articles in the 2022 tax reform, taxes should be imposed on the gambling sector and betting, generating resources for increased spending on the country’s health care system.

“I have ordered the prioritization of dismantling organizations and requesting judicial processing of the tax evaders who are appropriating substantial resources meant for health care, diverting trillions of pesos involved in games of chance that belong to the Nation, but which are being plundered,” he stated on X.

Petro further clarified at the time that if resources for increasing the health budget are to come from taxes, these should not fall on businesses that are already paying taxes, but rather on gambling and hydrocarbon sector companies, which he views as a preventive health action in the long term.

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