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La loteria de Rio cedeix a la pressió creixent per les apostes esportives

After months of legal wranglings and growing tensions the Rio de Janeiro lottery (Loterj) has finally given in and announced that it will prevent bets made by licensed operators outside its state borders. The announcement was published in the state’s official gazette. The new regulation (Loterj/GP No. 658) ensures compliance with an ...

Nous impostos imposats als jocs d'atzar en línia a Colòmbia

The Ministry of Finance has decreed three new taxes that will be in effect until December 31, 2025, with the aim of financing expenses related to the state of internal commotion in the Catatumbo region. The new fiscal measures affect online ...

El govern de NSW convida el públic a dir la seva opinió sobre les reformes dels jocs de reconeixement facial

Gambling customers in New South Wales are being invited to have their say on two new schemes that fulfill election commitments and build on the Minns Labor Government’s delivery of gaming reforms to address gambling harm and money laundering ...

SPA emet 21 autoritzacions definitives per a apostes al Brasil

The Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) of the Ministry of Finance has published, in the Official Gazette, 21 ...

SPA llança una consulta pública sobre la segona fase de regulació al Brasil

The Secretary of Prizes and Bets of the Ministry of Finance (SPA-MF) has launched a public consultation regarding ...

Els ministres es reuneixen per discutir maneres d'endurir la regulació dels jocs d'atzar en línia al Brasil

Minister of Sports André Fufuca has met with Finance Minister Fernando Haddad to discuss the regulation of sports ...

El Ministeri de Finances del Brasil suspendrà les llicències concedides pel govern municipal

The Ministry of Finance has notified the municipality of Bodó, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, to suspend the ...

La Comissió de Jocs del Regne Unit vol augmentar el control dels consumidors sobre els límits de dipòsit

The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has announced changes aimed at increasing consumer control over deposit limits ...

Coljuegos bloqueja 10,000 llocs web per a apostes il·legals a Colòmbia

Coljuegos has announced that it has blocked 10,000 websites and social media profiles dedicated to operating games ...